Il PTS (Public Test Server) è un server pubblico di prova. Si tratta di un server che il team di sviluppo apre ai giocatori, permettendo di testare i nuovi contenuti in anticipo o diverse modifiche in anticipo, prima della loro uscita, con lo scopo di ricevere suggerimenti e feedback utili. In questo caso, serve a testare il Title Update 11.
Piattaforme: PC
Data d’avvio Fase 1: 04.09.20 ore 16.00
Data d’avvio Fase 2: 11.09.20 ore 14.00
Data di chiusura: 18.09.20
Tutte le informazioni sul Title Update 11 si trovano nella pagina dedicata, vi informiamo anche che il sito è in fase di aggiornamento per includere tutte le novità di questo update, ma le informazioni definitive arriveranno solo con l’uscita della patch definitiva, dopo il PTS.
Verranno utilizzati i vostri personaggi presenti nel server live, ma ciò che fate nel PTS resterà li! Il backup utilizzato sarà risalente all’ultima manutenzione effettuata.
Per giocare è necessario scaricare un client di gioco a parte, che si trova direttamente nella libreria giochi del proprio account. Ovviamente si ha accesso al PTS solo se si possiede il gioco base. Le seguenti procedure consentono di evitare il download di quasi tutto il client, facendo scaricare solo la patch di aggiornamento. Tuttavia, la riuscita non è garantita, ma non costa niente provare dato che si tratta di un semplice copia e incolla dei file, se non dovesse funzionare allora sarà necessario scaricare tutto.
- Avviare il download del PTS su Uplay lasciando scaricare alcuni MB, in questo modo verrà automaticamente creata la cartella.
- Mettere in pausa e chiudere Uplay.
- Cercare e aprire la cartella dove si trova installato il gioco normale (Tom Clancy’s The Division 2), selezionare tutti i file e fare Copia.
- Cercare e aprire la cartella “Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 PTS”, cancellare i pochi file scaricati presenti al suo interno, e fare Incolla.
- Avviare Uplay, il gioco verrà mostrato come Precaricato.
- Riavviare Uplay.
- A questo punto dovrebbe far scaricare solo una patch che serve ad aggiornare il client di gioco, se non dovesse farlo effettuare una verifica dei file.
Questo é il patch notes del Public Test Server, potrebbe subire cambiamenti per tutta la durata del test, perciò quanto scritto non é definitivo.
The PTS is a developer build meaning that some things you encounter will be a work in progress, bugs might be present and balance changes might not be final. We want you to be a part of the journey to make TU11 the best it can be, and we highly encourage you to leave your feedback and bug reports on the dedicated PTS forums.
For the first PTS phase, we’d like feedback on these topics in particular:
- The Summit – New PvE Game Mode
- Appearance Mods – New Transmogrification Mechanic
- New Weapons & Gear
- New Skill Variant – Shrapnel Trap
- General Game Balance (PvE & PvP)
If you have thoughts on other aspects of the game, don’t hesitate to let us know!
The following content will be disabled during the TU11 PTS and is not accessible to participants.
- Season 3
New PvE Game Mode: The Summit
Title Update 11 introduces the new PvE game mode The Summit for free to all owners of the Warlords of New York expansion. The Summit brings agents to a skyscraper occupied by hostile factions, and as you progress towards the top the difficulty gradually will increase, and you will start seeing more ruthless enemies standing in your way. The Summit is designed to be highly replayable and also meant to offer a challenge to everybody, from our most dedicated agents to our newer agents. Floors will be different each time you fight your way through the building, as floors are randomly selected from a number of preset designs and gets populated by random AI spawns.
Progression throughout the floors is saved at specific rally points, and players can leave and jump back in where they left off without losing their progress. The total time to reach floor 100, and thus unlock all the difficulties, can vary greatly depending on the players skills and equipment as well as their team configuration
- Highly replayable PvE game mode
- 100 floors to fight your way through
- Checkpoint system
- Unique rewards
New Feature: Appearance Mods
Appearance Mods (aka Transmog) will become available to you in Title Update 11, allowing for much greater customization of your Agent’s visual look. You will save the appearance of all obtained gear following the release of Title Update 11, allowing you to override your gear’s look with the gear of your choosing.
- All gear is supported by Appearance Mods.
- Weapons and Exotics are excluded.
- Note: When logging in to TU11, you will need to log in to each of your characters to unlock the looks of all owned gear.
- This only needs to be done once and you do not need to save the gear to keep their looks available moving forward.
New Exotics
MPX Submachine Gun: Backfire
- Dealing damage to enemies adds a stack of +1% critical hit damage, up to 200 stacks, lasting 10s.
- On reload, apply a 10s bleed to yourself, which deals 0.5% armor damage per stack.
Backpack: Memento
- Enemies you kill drop a trophy on death. Collecting trophies provides both a short- and long-term buff, the first of which scales with the number of core attributes equipped and lasts 10s.
- +5% weapon damage per red core
- +20% bonus armor per blue core
- +5% skill efficiency per yellow core
- For every trophy collected, gain an additional +1% weapon damage, +1% skill efficiency, and +0.1% armor regeneration for 300s. Maximum 30 stacks.
Chest: Ridgeway’s Pride
- Shooting enemies within 10m applies bleed to the target.
- Repair 1-25% of your armor per second for every enemy that is bleeding within 10m.
- 1 enemy: 1%
- 2 enemies: 4%
- 3 enemies: 9%
- 4 enemies: 16%
- 5 enemies: 25%
New Gear Set
Hunter’s Fury
An offensive gear set specializing in aggressive close combat.
Core: Weapon Damage (Red)
Set bonuses:
- 2+ Pieces
- +15% SMG Damage
- +15% Shotgun Damage
- 3+ Pieces
- +20% Armor on Kill
- +100% Health on Kill
- 4+ Pieces
- Apex Predator: Enemies within 15m receive a debuff, increasing your weapon damage against them by +20%. Killing a debuffed enemy with your weapon disorients other enemies within 5m, and amplifies weapon damage by 5% for 10s, stacking up to 5 times.
- Chest
- Endless Hunger: Increases the duration of Apex Predator stacks from 10s to 30s.
- Backpack
- Overwhelming Force: Increases the radius of disorient on Apex Predator kills from 5m to 10m.
New Skill Variant
Shrapnel Trap
- The Shrapnel Trap scatters a minefield of small explosive devices that can attach to any surface (including enemies) and then detonate based on enemy proximity.
- Note: This skill will become unlockable in-game when the Prime Target of Season 3 becomes available but is available on the PTS for feedback and testing purposes.
New Named Items
SIX12 Shotgun: The Mop
- +5% Armor on Kill
KARD-45 Pistol: TDI “Kard” Custom
- +1 Skill Tier when used
Belstone Armory Chest: Everyday Carrier
- Perfectly Efficient: Using an armor kit has a 75% chance to not consume the armor kit. Specialization armor kit bonuses are increased by 100%.
Belstone Armory Backpack: Liquid Engineer
- Perfect Bloodsucker: Killing an enemy adds and refreshes a stack of +12% bonus armor for 10s. Max stack is 10
New Gear Brand
Belstone Armory
A defensive brand set primarily focused on self-sustain and efficient repairs.
Core: Armor (Blue)
Set bonuses:
- +1% Armor Regen
- +10% Armor on Kill
- +20% Incoming Repairs
New Weapons
Shotgun: SIX12
- A compact, 6-round, cylinder-fed shotgun, optimal for close-quarters urban combat.
Pistol: KARD-45
- Prototype semi-automatic pistol, chambered in .45 ACP, utilizing the same technology as the Vector, but in a much smaller package.
New Attribute: Skill Efficiency
Similar to Weapon Handling, Skill Efficiency is a new attribute that modifies multiple skill-focused attribute bonuses at the same time.
+1% Skill Efficiency is equal to:
- +1% Skill Damage
- +1% Skill Haste
- +1% Skill Duration
- +1% Skill Health
- +1% Repair Skills
- +1% Status Effects
Developer comment: Skill Efficiency is currently only available on the new “Memento” exotic backpack.
Gameplay Changes
- Mod slots on backpacks, chests, and masks are now generic, and no longer associated with a specific offensive, defensive, or utility mod type.
- Mod slots on gear are no longer able to be recalibrated.
- Note: Any existing gear that has had its mod slot recalibrated prior to TU11 will have that recalibration automatically refunded, allowing a new attribute or talent to be recalibrated instead.
Developer comment: Any type of mod (red/blue/yellow) can now be placed in any mod slot, regardless of previous brand/set or exotic gear color association. Ex: You can now place a defensive or utility gear mod into an Airaldi backpack, without needing to recalibrate the mod slot from red to blue/yellow.
- Defensive gear mods can now drop with disorient and ensnare resistances.
- Increased the maximum status effect resistance value of all defensive gear mods from +10% to +20%.
Developer comment: Any existing status effect resistance mods will have their values automatically doubled. Ex: A defensive mod with +8% bleed resistance will become +16% after TU11, +10% becomes +20%, etc.
- Rainbow loot
- Introduced weighing to gear attributes to reduce the amount of rainbow loot
- The first non-core attribute has a higher chance to be of the same color as the core attribute
- Added all new Season 3 weapons and gear to the general loot pool.
- Added the new Season 3 brand to targeted loot rotation.
- Introduced weighing to gear attributes to reduce the amount of rainbow loot
Season 2 Content
- Updated Legacy Season cache to include weapons, gear set and named items from Season 2
- Added Season 2 blueprints to general blueprint loot pool
- Removed Season 2 level requirements from season 2 Exotics from all sources
- Mantis and Vile can now be acquired from general Exotic sources (e.g. targeted loot, Exotic Caches) without any conditions
Gameplay Changes
- Fixed an issue with the Recalibration Library where the Pistol Damage attribute lowered from 15% to 14% following a maintenance
- Fixed an issue causing the Headhunter talents duration to refresh when swapping weapons
- Fixed the White House Operation Iron Horse World’s First portraits not displaying correctly on Xbox
- Fixed an issue that would cause the bonus armor from the Galvanize talent to apply to rogue agents
- Fixed a ladder that couldn’t be interacted with near the Widow’s Web control point
- Fixed a ladder that couldn’t be interacted with near The Gate
- Fixed Deflector Shield not triggering some Skill Talents
- Fixed issues with the Feedback Loop talent sometimes not applying when equipped and something remaining active when unequipped
- Fixed In Sync talent activating when killing wildlife
- Fixed the Polycarbonate cost for crafting SMG’s being three times higher than intended
- Fixed jammers blocking rogue agents from using skills
- Fixed the game menu overlapping with the mega map when the player is in a downed state
- Fixed Global Event and League menus becoming offset when in the menu and taking a melee attack from a NPC
- Fixed UI inconsistencies with the flamethrower’s indicated damage and actual damage
- Fixed an issue causing the icon for Makeshift Repairs to not appear under the health bar
- Fixed an issue causing league missions scale with global difficulty and not the selected difficulty
- Fixed the Riot Foam Chem launcher not applying ensnare on the final boss of District Union Arena under certain conditions
- Fixed the Guardians Global Event task “Eliminate hostiles with the Guardian buff” not counting for group members
- Fixed the Guardians Global Event task “Eliminate veterans with the Guardian buff” to correctly show 50 enemies
- Fixed an issue where agents would clip through the Base of Operations helicopter pilot NPC
- Fixed an issue causing Rogue Agents to spawn during League time trials
- Fixed an issue causing new characters created during the Double XP manhunt event only to gain the boost for the first 14 levels, instead of 15
- Fixed an issue causing the character to equip a grenade when inspecting a specialization weapon and moving the left analog stick left to right
- Fixed the Mantis scope incorrectly highlighting enemies
- Fixed the Shock Trap affecting players when an enemy trigger it in their vicinity
- Fixed the Mantis attributes being extractable at the recalibration station
- Fixed agents not respawning in a safe area after changing Global Difficulty in coop
- Fixed the molten metal puddles not being visible in Operation Iron horse after a player fast travels out of the raid and back
- Fixed the PC chat not being visible or useable when in a downed or dead state
- Fixed the Signal Flare emote not removing the flares after the player interrupts the emote
- Fixed Conflict XP sometimes not being added to the overall PvP XP in the end of match screen
- Fixed the name and health bar being placed too high above the decoy in PvP
- Fixed the Hostile Negotiation’s four-piece talent dealing less damage than indicated to other agents
- Fixed an issue where being affected by the Full Flag debuff and your skills being destroyed would cause an explosion inflicting damage to nearby players
- Fixed the Spotter talent incorrectly doubling damage when used in conjunction with skills
- Fixed ISAC not alerting players when encountering hostile NPC’s with shields
- Fixed the Double XP levels available not decreasing when gaining a new Season level
- Fixed a location in the Operation Iron Horse raid where players could go out of bounds
- Fixed an issue in the Operation Iron Horse raid where the sewers objective could be started without all agents gathering up, causing an objective reset
- Fixed an issue causing several dyes not being applied to the Striker Gear Set
- Fixed the Skill Duration attribute not increasing the duration of the Burn Sticky Bomb
- Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to fast travel to the Dark Zones from New York
- Fixed Keener’s remaining immune to bullets after his drone self-destructs
- Fixed an issue causing the “Premium Access” and “Discover Pass” screens overlapping after switching between them
- Fixed the Crossbow signature weapon incorrectly triggering ammo bonuses
- Fixed the Liberty exotic to not trigger from ricochets
We’re glad to see that you are participating in the Public Test Server for the upcoming Title Update 11. The PTS is a developer build meaning that some things you encounter will be a work in progress, bugs might be present and balance changes might not be final. We want you to be a part of the journey to make TU11 the best it can be, and we highly encourage you to leave your feedback and bug reports on the dedicated PTS forums.
Wave 2 focus is on improvements to The Summit and PvP balance changes. As always, feedback is appreciated in all areas but in particular the following areas are testing focuses:
- The Summit PvE Game Mode
- PvP Balance
- Loot Quality (I.E., addressing the ‘rainbow loot’)
The Summit
- Added greater variety and diversity in objective types as you progress through The Summit.
- Changed the Hostage revive timer to be longer, giving more leeway to reach them before the objective fails.
- Increased the radius of the hack zone for EMP objectives.
- Increased the amount of loot caches scattered around the building, which contents scale with difficulty.
- Reduced number of directives on Legendary Floors 91-100. Now has 3 random directives (previously had 4).
Gameplay Changes
Gear Mods
- Reverted the increase to status effect resistance mod values from 20% back down to 10%
Developer comment: After reviewing feedback and considering how the new generic gear mod slot system will impact the meta, we’ve decided to revert the changes to status effect resistance mods. The increase in flexibility towards achieving specific status effect immunity through generic gear mod slots will remain a net increase in player defense. - All “Improvised” crafted high-end gear now have generic mod slots, including gloves and knee-pads.
Named Items
- Deathgrips: Increased the armor on kill from +5% to +10%.
- The Mop: Increased the armor on kill from +5% to +10%.
- Memento: Lowered the bonus armor gained on trophy pick up from +20% to +10% per armor core but the bonus armor gained now stacks
Gear Sets
- Eclipse Protocol
- Lowered Indirect Transmission on kill status effect spread from 15m to 10m.
- Proliferation now increases the range of Indirect Transmission from 10m to 15m.
- Increased Symptom Aggravator damage amplification from 15% to 30%.
- Obliterate: Increased the number of maximum stacks of total weapon damage from 15 to 25
- Reduced the global PvP damage modifier from 0.35 to 0.3
- Reverted previous changes to the pistol, rifle, and MMR PvP damage modifiers to pre-10.1 values (buff)
- Small increase to shotgun PvP damage modifier to match global damage reduction and retain pre-TU11 TTK
- Slight reduction to overall SMG PvP damage.
Developer comment: The above changes should result in a small increase to TTK at medium/close range, while keeping rifles and MMRs deadly at long ranges.
- Crusader, Reflector, and Striker shields now take 33% more damage in PvP
- Riot Foam Chem Launcher base ensnare duration lowered from 3s to 2s in PvP
- Firewall specialization talent Fiery Response no longer applies a 5m burn on armor break in PvP
- Eclipse Protocol’s Indirect Transmission on kill status effect spread lowered from 15m to 5m in PvP (7m with Proliferation chest talent)
- Lady Death’s Breathe Free weapon damage amplification effect lowered from 75% to 50% in PvP
- Headhunter buff duration lowered from 30s to 5s in PvP
- Headhunter damage bonus lowered from 40% to 20% in PvP (25% with Perfect Headhunter)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue which allowed players to finish the 100th floor in The Summit without actually killing the enemies.
- Fixed an issue causing only one type of enemy to spawn in The Summit on Legendary difficulty.
- Fixed an issue causing enemies to shoot through walls on the 100th floor in The Summit.
- Fixed an issue that caused you to be matched with a The Summit group when matchmaking for main missions.
- Fixed an issue causing the SHD crate disappear briefly after completing the “Hold SHD Crate” objective in The Summit.
- Fixed missing Specialization Tutorial when boosting a new character to level 30.
- Fixed an issue which caused all trap variants to become stuck in the ceiling.

Mi chiamo Elena, aka Itasil92, e vengo dalla Sardegna. Sono admin/founder di The Division Dark Zone, prima community italiana dedicata al franchise The Division. Ubisoft Star Player dal 2015 al 2023, Ubisoft Creator Program dal 2024, Elite Task Force dal 2021. Ho partecipato all’E3 di LA nel 2015, e a diversi workshop e eventi in vari studi Ubisoft.